Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Big Crunch by Pete Hautman

I loved these flawed realistic characters: a high school boy, a high school girl ... but not your typical teen romance.

June's family moves a lot due to her parents' consulting jobs (6 schools in 4 years), and her dad's motto for the family is "Next!" After each move, June's cell phone is replaced or erased - no sense in maintaining friendships with kids she'll never see again. I thought, "who could live like this?"

Wes is struggling to find himself. What does he want? Who are his friends? He's got a lot of thinking to do ... and cleaning out the garage seems to help.

Wes and June aren't instantly attracted to one another. Even after they start to spend time together, things aren't always smooth sailing - then June's family moves again, and things get more complicated.

This book actually reminded me of "One Day" by David Nicholls, which I loved earlier this year. It's the kind of true, flawed romance where people misbehave, hurt one another, and still try to follow their hearts.

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