Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Indian Shoes by Cynthia Leitich

In a series of short stories, we explore life with Ray Halfmoon and his grandfather: Ray makes a trade, the pair take care of the neighborhood pets while everyone is away for Christmas, and Ray deals with a really, really bad haircut.

I picked up this 2002 book because it was on a list of books with positive depiction of native characters. But it's not just strictly about the fact they're Seminole-Cherokee - the stories are really about everyday life and a kid's experiences.

Each chapter is a short story, but through them all you get a look at life for one boy, who lives with his grandfather. They have a great relationship, and it's fun to see the world through their eyes.

After reading it, I discussed the book with a nine-year-old friend and she agreed it sounded like a fun book to read. I'll recommend it.

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