Monday, August 17, 2009

You Are a Miserable Excuse for a Hero by Bob Powers

Remember those "choose-your-own-adventure" books from the early 1980's? This is an adult version, intended for thirty-somethings with a dark sense of humor and a broad swath of nostalgia.

At the story's start, you're an unsuccessful actor woken up by the telephone. A voice tells you the girl you went on a first date with last night has been kidnapped, and since you're the only person she knows in town ... it's up to you to save her.

At every turn you are given the chance to do the right thing or to be a loser. It's your choice: Do you roll over and go back to bed? Or do you get up and try to help? Do you ask your parents for money, or visit an old college friend with money? Or do you get sidetracked by your ex, and end up in bed with her?

It's a cheesy, kinda lame book. Exactly like the ones from childhood. I'd forgotten just how unsatisfying the storyline always was with these books once you'd make your choice. There's never a plan C option - damn it! I want another option!

It's a fun book, and perfect for pick-up-and-put-down reading. The storylines are dark and hilarious. Just the kind of grown-up nostalgia trip you need sometimes.

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