Monday, May 4, 2009

A Hard Day's Death by Raymond Benson

I've been looking for a good "brain candy" series, and I think I've finally found it! You know - nice easy reading, a captivating storyline, but nothing too serious or gory. Just something to consume quickly and then move on, with little nutritional value ... brain candy.

Rockin' Security is known for high-profile guard duty at concerts and for celebrity rock stars. On the down-low, Spike Berenger also branches out into rock-n-roll private eye work. Spike's been all over the music business as a guitarist, manager, and friend to all kinds of big names. Now he's using those connections to figure out who really murdered aging rocker Flame.

I love rock music, and this series really is an insider's geek nirvana. Old grudges won't die, Berenger's slept with every woman in the storyline, and nobody really lives too far from their wild and woolie past glory days. There were twists I hadn't seen coming (but maybe should have), and I enjoyed the fact that each chapter has a track listing - recommended listening, and a foreshadowing of the action to come.

Well-written and fun. This was the first in the series, released in 2008, and the second in the series, "Dark Side of the Morgue," was released in February. I'm going to move on to that one - I hope it's as good!

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