Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks

Once a week, a group of vampires meet in the church basement to discuss their problems, issues, and coping mechanisms. Sounds like AA, doesn't it? If you're going to live forever, you're going to have to come to terms with some pretty heavy stuff ...

Everybody at the library knows I have a long-standing love of vampire books. So although I'd never heard of this one, it showed up on my desk because another staff member thought it looked like something I should read.

It's a funny book - very different from other vampire tomes in that these vampires are sickly because they avoid human blood. They look at it as having a blood-borne infection: they were infected, not "turned" or "changed" into vampires. They are weak, have horrible headaches, and throw up. When the sun's out, they're completely unconscious - no dreams, they can't hear what's going on, and they look dead. The rest of the time, they're miserable.

So when something strange starts going on and their cover may be blown, the question is: will any of these sickly, whining 90-pound weaklings be able to step up and assert themselves? Pretend for a minute to be a butt-kickin' warrior vampire like the vampire books all say?

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