Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Land of a Hundred Wonders by Lesley Kagen

Twenty year old Gibby McGraw survived the car accident that killed both of her parents. The extensive head injuries she sustained have affected her memory and reasoning, but she's quite happy now living with Grandpa in small town Cray Ridge, Kentucky. Although she is NQR (their term for her condition: Not Quite Right), Gibby doesn't let the challenges stop her from publishing her own newspaper, working at Grandpa's diner, and trying to reclaim her independence.

Gibby's also determined to set her momma's heavenly soul at rest by proving she is Quite Right by writing an awfully good story. When she finds a dead body she knows that she's got the perfect awfully good story - if she can remember what it is long enough to solve the mystery.

Our bookclub read (and loved) Kagen's first book, Whistling in the Dark. This book is equally satisfying.

While Gibby's actually a young adult, her disability gives her a child-like view of the world: which creates tension, entertainment, and frustration - sometimes all at once.

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